As the owner of Rowell Land & Timber Company, Inc., Bob Rowell is not your typical land developer. Being a registered forester with a strong background in wildlife biology and management, he has managed timber and wildlife populations for himself and others for over 28 years. This experience has been invaluable by giving him the expertise and the vision to take a raw piece of property, know where to locate the roads, how to run the lot lines, what trees to take out and which ones to leave in order to maximize views, create builder-friendly homesites, protect soil and water quality and enhance the native wildlife populations. Balancing all of this, while having no negative impact on the environment, is top priority! These properties are not chopped up into as many lots as can be squeezed out of a piece of property, but rather each homesite is hand picked and then the lot lines are run around it as if the developer were going to live on each one himself.
Bob’s business philosophy is simple; he treats people the way he would like to be treated by them. Family, faith and being a steward of the land are what Bob has dedicated his life to. Evidence of this is obvious on his acreage tracts for sale. Each one has been enhanced since its acquisition and may be further enhanced by the next buyer to create a hunting preserve, farm, horse farm, vineyard, or even a development. Bob can be a consultant or a contractor turn-keying the work for his clients. Bob assists his buyers every step of the way in making their property dreams come true.